Friday, July 20, 2007

Feeling very...


I used to think I was patient. (Said with a smile.) Now, I know better. I hate to wait. As time goes by, I understand instant gratification more and more. Right now is one of those times that I DESPERATELY would appreciate instant gratification.

Funny, it isn't all in relation to my current 2ww. However, I am a little impatient about that too. But, my worse of the 2ww is ALWAYS week two, and closer to test day. At 4 DPI, I think I'm good. (Granted things are not "normal." TMI, I have been constipated (not usual), still have CM, and VERY bloated. Body is screwing around again. HMPH. At least it is what I tell myself considering it is 4DPI! Oh, and I caught myself soaking my sandwich in pickle juice. Not something I usually do, but it was VERY YUMMY.)

But, the reason I am felling impatient is because of Harry P*tter. No seriously. Yes, I know the book comes out today, etc. But, T and I have a tradition. For the last four books, he has bought them for me. And he bought my Book 7. But, the problem he is at a competition in a different state, and the book is being delivered to his work. And it will be trapped in their mail room. I will have to wait until Monday. I am so bummed.

I WANT THAT INSTANT GRATIFICATION. Granted it won't be instantaneous considering I will have to read the 746 pages to know EVERYTHING. It probably is a good thing that I will have to wait considering I am rereading Book 6. And I should finish before starting 7. Since there is so much I have forgotten. BUT, I really want it NOW.

Yes, just like so many other things.

Yet again, like with so many things, it could be a good thing that I must wait. Considering I will start it during the worst part of my 2ww. It will be my ultimate distraction. So maybe, just maybe there is value in waiting. HMPH...who would of thunk it!


Nica said...

You know, I've never read a Harry in my life, but all this build up has me thinking: maybe I should go get a copy...

Joei said...

I am seriously thinking about flipping to the last page first. I always do that when I read a book, and I shouldn't... who knows when I'll even get the book. I am very excited, too! :) yahoo!!

PCOSMama said...

ah, flipping to the end.... so tempting! I'm just hoping I can avoid all the spoilers - I may not be reading it for a while because the library probably won't have it and I refuse to buy it until I can get a soft cover like my others...

I do agree it will be a great distraction for you!

Anonymous said...

I agree, this will be a great 2ww distraction for you!

leslie said...

Hihi! I'm in the 2WW too!!! Let's just hang in there!!! I can't wait too so I'm coming up with LOTS of distractions like shopping!!

TeamWinks said...

It has taken half a miracle to not know how this book ends, and I definitely don't want to know until I turn to the last page. Wish us both luck on that front. Hope you get your book soon!

Baby Blues said...

Oh my gosh, that cracks me up. And I thought the two week wait is the worst! :-)

Susan said...

I can totally guess what you will be doing when you get that book. : )

Anonymous said...

did you read the book yet? i finished it last prepared for a few tears!!!