Monday, September 24, 2007

I had ...

I had a different post, but Bl*gger ate it.

I had hope.

I had a dream.

I had a want.

That will never be fullfilled.

What I have is gratitude for all of you. Thank you for your words of encouragement and hope. And in advance for your words of sympathy.


Waiting Amy said...

I'm sorry Dianne. Be good to yourself. We'll be here when you are ready to talk more.

BigP's Heather said...

I'm sorry.

Samantha said...

Oh sweetie, there is absolutely no way I can express how sorry I am. I will be thinking of you, and hoping you are taking care of yourself.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Dianne. I don't know what to say. I'm so deeply sorry.

Kir said...

Im so sorry, please take good care of yourself and know that we are here for you if you need us.

PCOSMama said...

I'm so sorry! I know there was a lot of hope with this cycle...
Hang in there, you'll get through it. We're here to listen anytime....

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine what you're feeling right now; all I can do is tell you how very sad, disappointed, empty and...*cheated* I am feeling on your behalf. So unfair, so f****** unfair.

Sending you hugs and prayers for healing and peace.

I'm off for a good cry.

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry, Dianne. ((hugs))

Re: your post below: One step at a time. The cleaning can be cathartic, but please go at your own pace.

PS. I've added my email address to my About page. In case you need it.

Anonymous said...

*hugs*, all I can do is offer my virtual hugs. I had hoped this would be a happier time for you but know that we are here if you need us.

Kristen said...

I'm so very sorry. I'm sending lots of X's and O's your way.

Somewhat Ordinary said...

I'm so sorry, Dianne! I'll be thinking of you.

Wordgirl said...

I just want you to know that there's a woman out here in the upper midwest who doesn't know you, but has felt your support and kind words along this journey -- and I am sending you my deepest care when there aren't the right words to say exactly what you want to say.



hammygirl said...

I'm so sorry.

Joei said...

I wish you love.
I wish you all the support you have (we are here for you!)
I wish you peace.
Email me anytime!

Lollipop Goldstein said...

I am so sorry, Dianne. Words are really failing now. But my heart aches for you two.

Anonymous said...

My heart just aches for you. I am so sorry...

Aurelia said...

I'm so sorry Dianne, this is truly awful.

We're here when you want to talk.

Anonymous said...


I am so. very. sorry.

Sending lots of prayers and hugs for peace your way.


Erin said...

Oh Dianne, I'm so very, very sorry. We're here for you.

TeamWinks said...

I wish I could remove the never from your post. How I wish I could...sigh...

I too am thinking about you and wishing you strength and hope.

Susan said...

Sniffle, sniffle.

JJ said...

I want to say "Dont give up!" but I know that is hard to say when you have been through so much...
I am so sorry Dianne...

Anonymous said...
