It started a month before we started to try.
A friend of T's was having a baby and we had gotten to be very close to this family. T was going to be the baby's Godfather. And I wanted to do something special.
I remembered that I knew some basic stitches in crochet and with my Mother's help and crochet book, I jogged my memory.
A whole 2 years 5 months. Since then I have made blankets for friends, family and acquaintances (aprx. 15). I have a secret desire to make a blanket for each baby I know.
And I am very grateful for this hobby and true joy. So, I'd thought I'd show you some of my work.
To answer some of your inquiries. I started by using a how too book. I wasn't really particular when I chose it. Since, I've given it away and I don't remember the name. It was actually a rather corny book that your grandmother would pick up. But it had great illustrations and it was enough to jog my memory.
From there I purchased several other books with fun projects and stitch ideas. I highly recommend; Stitch 'N Bitch Cr*chet: The Happy H**ker by Debbie Stoller and The Cr*chet Stitch Bible by Betty Barnden. Both of these books also have how to sections and would be able to help you get started.
Lastly, the bag I made up the pattern as I went. It was during an enlightened phase. Actually, I think I might start another. I need something to keep my mind off of things.
Wow! You are very talented. Love the purse/bag, and I think I'd like to curl up with that blanket. I know only a few basic stitches for crochet, but I have never ventured beyond the standard 70's looking afghan.
By the way, thank you so much for visiting me. I cherish your comments.
Nice! Beautiful crochet work. I've always wanted to learn crochet. Maybe I'll take it up in the 9mw, whenever that may be.
I haven't yet learned crochet. I'm barely past knitting items that are a rectangle.
Any good recommendations on easy places to start?
I need to crochet like you. It's awful I still can only do scarves.
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