Monday, September 10, 2007

Five, Five just like you.

A threat once upon a time. Now, it is how many follicles I have. With hopes, that one or two or three - hopefully not five - become just like me or T or both of us!

Yes, I went in today for my ultrasound and bloodwork. And in my opinion it is good news. Five follicles and E2 is at 622. The E2 is a little high, but that is why they are bringing my G*nalf down, dramatically in my opinion, from 112 to 37.5. But, I'm not the doctor. Back in tomorrow morning for more monitoring.

On other news, the bachelorette was Saturday. We had a great time. Unfortunatelly I'm in trouble again. Originally we were going here, but since they were unable to give me ANY reservations and would only do requests. I cancelled literally last minute (Thursday) and completely planned something new in Boston.

I didn't call the people who RSVP'd no to the first gathering. Figured if they said no before, they weren't going to be able to make it now. Not like their schedules would have changed. The sister-in-law from hell (known as SH from now on) found out. And now the groom-to-be is mad at me. Because SH gave him crap.

Funniest part, my sister told me that SH is afraid of me. Well, if she played nice, I'd play nice. And no, I do not plan to take any of her crap - because I have enough things that I have to take. Since she isn't my sister-in-law, I don't have to take her. I can just leave her.

No worries, I play nice. I know how to be civil. I have no need to be her friend.

The wedding is in 26 days! Wow, just realized. My kid sister will be a married woman in 26 days. WOW!


Susan said...

So, I'm itching to hear. How did it go?

Anonymous said...

GREAT news on those follies!!! I'm excited by this very promising development.

Glad the bachelorette is over. Hope you all had fun. (You sound like a fabulous sister, btw.)

Samantha said...

Seems like the follies are growing well.

Glad you had a good time at the bachelorette party.

PCOSMama said...

5 is a very good number! Not too many, not too few. Do you know what size they all are? That would give you a better idea of how many might make it to maturity.

I think it's great that you are going back tomorrow since they lowered your dose. This way they will know right away if it was lowered too much and can adjust accordingly.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you! Good luck!

LJ said...

Nice on the follies. And screw SH. We all have one of those. Okay, not all of us. But I do. So power to ya!